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Seed Swaps – Description, Tips, Tricks and More

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Seed Swaps are events where gardeners get together to exchange seeds. The exchange can be organized online or by mail, especially if the participants geographically dispersed. Swap events, where growers meet and trade surplus seeds in person, are becoming increasingly popular.

12 Useful Tips for Organizing Seed Swaps

One of the best traditions to save money and reduce yard waste is to spend less and share more! Here’s how to host a seed and plant swap event that helps people (including you) get seeds for free. Includes ideas for seat reservations, sponsors, donations, and educating people about the event.

It is my 10th year hosting a Community Seed Exchange, and our last event was the best we’ve ever had. More than a hundred people stayed with us, and also countless seeds, bulbs and plants were distributed to them. I don’t think anyone leaves without something new to develop and with a smile on their face. That’s why I’m sharing tips on how you can host a seed swap for your community. It’s a great way to help people garden economically and reduce seed waste.

The seed swap is an opportunity for gardeners to organize their seed collections and get rid of unwanted ones. They can also use the event to collect the seeds they want to grow. Overall, it’s a win-win option for gardeners that reduces waste and costs. Our event aims to give roots a chance to grow, save money on buying new seeds, create the opportunity to harvest new varieties, and turn the event into a social gathering where gardeners can talk about all clothes green and also rising.

Cut Seeds and Plants with a Seed Swap

Seed Swaps

  1. Ask your Friends for Help
  2. Find a Place and Set a Date
  3. Choose a Sharing/Sharing Method
  4. Make the Event Free
  5. Find Seed Exchange Sponsors
  6. Host a Seed Swap Raffle
  7. Donation Buckets
  8. Invite People to Participate in the Seed Exchange
  9. Sign-up Sheet and Mailing List
  10. Seed Swap Entertainment
  11. Event Deal
  12. There will always be Leftover Seeds!

Other Tips to keep in Mind to Benefit from the Exchange of Seeds


  • Remember to arrive early for the best access to available seed.
  • Bring something to store your seeds: vials, empty seed bags, small plastic bags.
  • Don’t get discouraged if you only get 2 or 3 seeds.
  • Store new sources in a cool, dark place until ready to plant.
  • Ensure these seeds produce to honour the person’s efforts who saved them and enhance your community’s biodiversity.


  • Have labels and markers handy for participants to label their found seeds.
  • Envelopes or empty bags of seeds for participants who need them.
  • Have seed scoops available.

How to celebrate National Seed Exchange Day?

Here are some fun ways to celebrate Seed Exchange Day with more excitement and excitement.

  • Exchange the best local seeds with farmers from far away! The participation of the seed trading country will be mutually beneficial and a lot of fun!
  • Organize a local seed exchange, a kind of seed exchange where participants can bring seeds and a cooked meal of their choice. It will be something like a mini-party.
  • Share creative images of the National Seed Swap Day celebration on all your social networks with the hashtag #NationalSeedSwapDay #SeedSwapDay.

Interesting Facts about National Seed Exchange Day:

Here are some great and fascinating facts about the seed business that I am sure you will love.

  • The exchange of seeds means a higher cultural order because the conversation initiates and spreads cultural consciousness. Dense among Hispanics and Latinos who need the food they are used to, possibly because of the seeds spreading everywhere.
  • In some traditions, the seed exchange is a joint annual communal celebration where all members share large amounts of food in addition to the traditional fruit and vegetable seeds. The purpose of these crafts is to help revive dying relics.
  • The Dixon Community Seed Exchange has attracted hundreds of participants and held annually since 2003. Free local seeds distribute, and a forum hold for varieties specific to the mountains of northern Mexico. They even take many pictures that they can see on their website.
  • A special type of seed exchange, which partially hides, involves exchanging marijuana seeds.
  • Even on a small scale, seed exchange plays a huge role in maintaining crop diversity, enhancing biodiversity and recycling.
  • Seed exchange plays an important role in preventing the consequences of agrochemical monoculture.

History of National Seed Exchange Day:

National Seed Exchange Day was first officially observed on January 26, 2006, by Cathy Jentz, editor and publisher of Washington Gardener magazine. She started the first official Washington Gardener Seed Exchange, Gardener for Life, an annual event after a huge success. Gaining popularity, the day has become National Seed Exchange Day.